Gevorg Tshagharyan

Adjunct Lecturer

My research interests include the theory and philosophy of history, the problems of 18th/19th century European historiography and political philosophy, Victorian Studies, Armenian History. I received my Bachelor's & Master’s degrees in history from Yerevan State University (YSU, World History chair). I have authored 8 research articles and 1 co-authored article.



2017-2021 – PhD Candidate, Yerevan State Univeristy (YSU, World History chair)

2013-2015 – MA, Yerevan State Univeristy (YSU, World History chair)

2009-2013 – BA, Yerevan State Univeristy (YSU)


Areas of research and teaching specialization

Theory and philosophy of history, Victorian Studies, Thomas Carlyle, Armenian History.


Courses currently taught

FND 221 Armenian History 1

FND 222 Armenian History 2

My view: (Please briefly describe your view on the three concepts below)

Education: Education is a key that unlocks the doors of the past, present, and future shaping our deep comprehension of human civilization and experience.

Research։ «Per aspera ad astra» – Through hardships to the stars. Through research, we unveil the mysteries of the past, illuminating the path to a brighter future.

Outreach: Outreach connects the wisdom of academe with the world, transcending cultural and time boundaries.



Gevorg A. Tshagharyan — Thomas Carlyle's «On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History» - Part Three: the Hero as Priest, and Man of Letters, (in Armenian), in Vem Pan-Armenian Journal, Year 13 (19), Issue 4 (76), October-December 2021, pp. 49-113.

Gevorg A. Tshagharyan — Thomas Carlyle's «On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History» - Part Two։ the Hero as Divinity, Prophet, and Poet, (in Armenian), in Vem Pan-Armenian Journal, Year 13 (19), Issue 1 (73), January-March 2021, pp. 99-148.

Thomas Carlyle - «On History Again» (1833) — transl. into Armenian, fully annotated and with a critical preface by Gevorg A. Tshagharyan, in History and Culture, Journal of Armenian Studies, 2020, № 2, pp. 185-206.

Gevorg A. Tshagharyan — Thomas Carlyle's «On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History» - Part one: the motives and prerequisites, (in Armenian), in Vem Pan-Armenian Journal, Year 12 (18), Issue 3 (71), July-September 2020, pp. 126-143.

Thomas Carlyle - «On History» (1830) — transl. into Armenian, fully annotated and with critical preface by Gevorg A. Tshagharyan, in Vem Pan-Armenian Journal, Year 12 (18), Issue 2 (70), April-July 2020, pp. 55-81.

Gevorg A. Tshagharyan, Narek A. Mkrtchyan — The Unprecedented Response of World-renowned Intellectuals to Armenian Pogroms in Azerbaijan in late 1980s – early 1990s, (in Armenian), VEM PanArmenian Journal, 2019, 2 (April-June), pp. 252-271.

Magna Carta Libertatum - 1215 (Translation into Armenian by Gevorg A. Tshagharyan), Problems of History - 5, Annual (Magna Carta Libertatum - 800), 2019, pp. 9-25.

S. Declaration of Independence (Translation into Armenian and Notes by Gevorg A. Tshagharyan) Annual, Problems of History – 4, US Declaration of Independence – 240, pp. 7-19.

S. Eliot - «From Poe to Valéry», 1948 (Translation into Armenian, Preface and Notes by Gevorg A. Tshagharyan) Vem Pan-Armenian Journal, Issue 2017, Number 1(57), January – March), pp. 77-98.


Ongoing Projects

Rens Bod. A New History of the Humanities: The Search for Principles and Patterns from Antiquity to the Present, Oxford University Press, 2014. (Translation into Armenian by Gevorg A. Tshagharyan Chapter 4; 4.4-4.7 and Chapter 3; 3.5-3.7):



Gevorg A. Tshagharyan — Thomas Carlyle's «On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History» - Part Four: the Hero as King (in Armenian).


College/Department: College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)

E-mail address: [email protected]

Telephone number: 060-612-730

Office location: 312M (3-rd floor in the Main Building)

Office hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 11:30 – 12:20