Hayarpi Papikyan specializes in 19th- and early 20th-century Armenian studies, history and sociology of schooling and institutionalized education, women's history. She holds a PhD in history and sociology of Education by the Université Paris V - Sorbonne Cité and is attached to the research and scientific center of CERLIS (Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux) in Paris, France. Her doctoral research and thesis, Education on the edge of Empire: schooling girls and winning public roles for Armenian women in the Caucasus (mid 19th century - early 20th century), brought to light the history of the late-mid-nineteenth century and early twentieth-century education and institutionalized schooling of Armenian girls in the Caucasus. In March 2020, her doctoral thesis received the special mention of the Prize of Robert Mallet in the field of History of education in Paris, France.
Education, Degree
PhD, Université Paris V - Sorbonne Cité
Office location
PAB 117 W
Office hours
Varies depending on teaching schedule.
[email protected]
Areas of research and teaching specialization
Social history, sociology, research design and implementation
Courses currently taught
CHSS 181 Introduction to Sociology
PG 103 Methods of Political Inquiry
PG 203 Qualitative Research Methods
PG 206 Political Sociology
Ongoing Research Projects
Poetess Shushanik Kurghinian through her time and letters
Papikyan, H. (2024). L’autobiographie de Maro Nazarbekian : trajectoire et autoperception dans l’autobiographie communiste. Cahiers d'histoire russe, est-européenne, caucasienne et centrasiatique, 65, 153-178. https://doi.org/10.4000/
Papikyan, H. & Rogers, R. (2022). Girls’ schools and Empire (nineteenth and twentieth centuries). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Papikyan, H. (2021). Femmes arméniennes et pédagogie fröbelienne: Entre patriotisme éducatif et professionnalisation des institutrices préscolaires. Paedagogica Historica, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00309230.2021.1924807
Papikyan, H. (2021). Premières écoles pour filles au Caucase : Une mission de russification. Encyclopédie d’histoire numérique de l’Europe. https://ehne.fr/fr/encyclopedie/th%C3%A9matiques/%C3%A9ducation-et-formation/%C3%A9ducation-en-milieu-colonial/les-premi%C3%A8res- %C3%A9coles-pour-filles-aucaucase%C2%A0-une-mission-de-russification